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The Health, Wellbeing and Mental Health Stream: The Perthyn Project.

Zaina, our Health, Wellbeing and Mental Health Stream leader coordinates the
Perthyn Project (Belonging in Welsh) along with the Mental Health Foundation.

This project aims to create four community projects in Wales. The focus of these projects are:

  • Improve the resilience for people seek sanctuary and their supporters in Wales.
  • Work to recruit and train voluntary wellbeing ambassadors with lived experience of seeking sanctuary.
  • Establish opportunities for relationships and friendships to be built between those in the receiving community and the supporting organizations.
  • Focus on the prevention of mental health among the City of Sanctuary streams; schools, universities, colleges, libraries, faith and all the other avenues of work. Therefore, City of Sanctuary focuses on the wellbeing within the streams work and aims to build more understanding of wellbeing throughout all areas of their work.

If you are in Wales, and want to chat more about the work, please don’t hesitate to contact the Health, Wellbeing and Mental Health Stream coordinator: [email protected]

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